Friday, January 16, 2009

So Unpredictable...


Last time I had written about Indra Lohani...this time, i'm writing about him again...the only difference is, that time he was alive and now he is not......
i had written about his questioning style which i quite didn't like...yes, at times, he used to be harsh on his guests, but he had the courage to ask tough questions, a quality which no other interviewer had shown...
now that he's passed away, i really feel our country has lost a bold presenter, a tough questioner, and above all a gutsy lawyer and journalist ....i also feel Nepal is having an 'alachhin' time, as they say in nepali, in the field of journalism..
my heartfelt condolence to his family.....
may Late Lohani's soul rest in peace
but i still can't believe he's no more....oh god, what life we have...we're here today, YOU only know whether we will still be here tomorrow or not...

1 comment:

Chamatkaribaba said...

but i still can't believe he's no more....oh god, what life we have...we're here today, YOU only know whether we will still be here tomorrow or not...